Thursday 3 April 2008

New Box


I am the proud buyer of a wooden Easel box off of ebay! My lurid red plastic one gave up the ghost a while ago and cannot be moved without falling apart. I was given a lovely one at Christmas which stores my paints. But I was specifically looking for one whose lid turns into a slanted Drawing Board as well as carrying paints, brushes and pallets - it means that when I have to travel and intend to paint, just one container will carry everything and I don't have to worry about carting along my A3 size board.

What made the deal (£12.39 incl p&p) more appetising was that the ebay box comes with paints (acrylic and watercolour), several brushes and a couple of canvases!!! Sweet! Can't wait to receive it now. It will be excellent for Sweden!

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